Introduce U.S Engineering Company

U.S company is based in Ho Chi Minh City, was founded in 2013 to provide clients with solutions related to water treatment and wastewater treatment with top quality supported by experts and experienced engineers Vietnam and abroad.

Built on its own resources and strategic partners, the company can design, integrate system, supply, install and operate the works related to water technology. The field activities of the company include:

  • Urban Water Treatment
  • Industrial Water Treatment
  • Urban Waste Water Treatment
  • Industrial Wastewater Treatment

The U.S company proud of experienced engineers in the field of water and wastewater treatment, a staff of skilled worker meet all of the complex nature of the contruction. With highly support of specialized experts and foreign engineers from the leading companies in the water sector, wastewater and environment. The engineers and technicians of the U.S trained regularly by partners such as:

· Brentwood (USA) in water treatment

· Aeration Industries International, Inc.. (USA): in wastewater treatment

· Jesco (Germany) – Miltonroy (France): in equipment and chemical disinfection

· Bayard (France): Valves for water treatment and supply systems

With these advantages, in a short time, U.S company has maintain its position on the market in design, supply and install technological equipment, electrical control system and SCADA, operation and transfer technology for many large and small projects with a treatment capacity from 1,000 m3/day to 300,000 m3/day.


1. Flocculation, sedimentation, filtration in water treatment

· Mechanical stirrer flocculation – Miltonroy (France)

· Chemical flocculation PAC

· Pipe lamellae high load – Brentwood (USA)

· HDPE Underdrain – Leopold (USA)

· Automatical Siphon System (USA)

· Aeration Flotation Devices (USA)

2. Solutions & technologies of wastewater treatment from Aeration Industries Company – USA

· Oxidation Ditch – Trioval

· Argos tank – SBR

· ACT tank (improvement of Aerotank)

· Biological aeration tank, cleaning contaminated lakes

· Aeration and surface agitation equipment – Triton

3. Dosing pump and chemical disinfection

· Metering pumps – Jesco (Germany), Miltonroy (France)

· Chlorinator – Jesco (Germany)

· Automatically neutralize chlorine leak – Jesco (Germany)

4. Valves

· Cut-off and butterfly valves

· Connecting pieces

· Control valves

· Fire protection and pumping equipment

· Air valves, and backflow preventers

5. Oxygen supply equipment and flow generation in aquaculture of Aeration Industries Company – USA

· AIREO2 II Series Aerator

· AIREO2 Polaris ® Aerator

6. Electrical, controls, SCADA solutions

· Power Systems, Control, SCADA for water plants and water supply networks

· Power Systems, Control, Scada for wastewater plants.